A. Paleolithic Persistence: Australia and North America
1. Gatherers and hunters have a history, too
2. Manipulation of the environment and trade
3. “Complex” or “affluent” gatherers and hunters
B. Agricultural Village Societies: The Igbo and the Iroquois
1. Egalitarian kinship societies without state systems
2. “The Igbo have no king” but they did trade
3. Great Law of Peace of th
e Five Nations
C. Pastoral Peoples: Central Asia and West Africa
1. Timur/Tamerlame (d. 1405)
2. Samarkand
3. Fulbe
II. Civilizations of the Fifteenth Century: Comparing China and Europe
A. Ming Dynasty China
1. Emperor Yongle (r. 1402–1422)
2.Confucianism and anti-Mongol policies
3. Economic boom
4. Zheng He’s voyages (1405–1433)
B. European Comparisons: State Building and Cultural Renewal
1. Smaller states in constant conflict
2. Renaissance humanism
C. European Comparisons: Maritime Voyaging
1. Portugal takes the lead after 1415
2. Smaller ships and fleets than the Chinese
3. Motives, goals, and support
III. Civilizations of the Fifteenth Century: The Islamic World
A. In the Islamic Heartland: The Ottoman and Safavid Empires
1. Ottoman size, strength, and longevity
2. 1453: Turkish threat to Europe
3. Shia Safavids versus Sunni Ottomans
B. On the Frontiers of Islam: The Songhay and Mughal Empires
1. Islam and the trans-Sahara trade
2. Political unity and religious diversity in India
3. Muslim merchants and Sufi mystics in Southeast Asia
4. Malacca
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